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How TPEP can help you complete a PGP.

The PGP made professional sense to complete.  Educators share a continuous, internal monologue addressing professional growth moves in most all things taught in their classrooms. The PGP is the vessel in which an educator can receive recognition for this work and 25 clock hours for their efforts at no additional cost.

Teacher Surrounded by Word Cloud

College and career readiness have changed drastically over the years.  Through our life experiences, age gives us the wisdom to impart knowledge on students who desire to listen. How you are you helping students to formulate a post-secondary plan? Explore some ideas with @swaneaton01 in her latest post. #WATeachLead 


Creating Respectful Discourse with Writing

National Writing Project's, College, Career and Community Writers Program has resources with applicable "real world" text sets that are streamlined and easy to follow for teachers AND students. @swaneaton01 and #WATeachLead