Aron Early Board

I currently serve as a Research Technology Specialist for the Bellevue School District. I am focused on working with teachers and students to improve research and information literacy skills. I believe the ability to find, evaluate, and synthesize information is a defining life skill of our digital age. I'm also passionate about using technology as an enhancement of good instruction. Let's talk about how we can work and grow together! Connect with me on twitter.

Twitter: @earlyest


Youtube: aronearly


Date Range

Grade Level


Reflections and Resolutions

As 2019 comes to a close, @earlyest reflects on past blog posts and makes resolutions for the year ahead #WATeachLead

Media Literacy is Power

Misinformation isn't new. How can we help students be well-informed citizens, able to tell real from fake? @earlyest shares some ideas @Corelaboratewa #WATeachLead #medialitwk

softball field

What ways can you spark joy in your students and at your school? @earlyest shares his thoughts @CorelaborateWa #WATeachLead

wolves in the snow

"The Pack Survives." Community and collaboration aren't just about fantasy worlds and team sports. @earlyest explores how "strength in numbers" is important in education too. #WATeachLead

Navigating Research Project Season

Research Project Season is coming. Are you ready? Plan ahead as @earlyest shares some tips to help teachers make the most of this time of the year. #WATeachLead

Integrating Research, Part 1

This is the first in a series of posts looking at ways to integrate research in a way that values teacher time for content.