Amplifying teacher voice and supporting educators across Washington.
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This is (not Quite) Goodbye

In this post, @larkscience says goodbye to her school year and though it's challenging to do, the @CORElaborateWA program.  #wateachlead

Many people are building a large structure.

Experiences in the trial and error, successes and shortcomings, of school design and development provide insight into the realities of educational transformation and evolution in the wake of COVID 19.

Image of a Prototypical Motivating Quote Mural , by Author

In this post @larkscience talks surviving #remoteteaching during the pandemic, the odd lengths to which you'll go for hobbies, media literacy, and the only oven fry recipe you'll ever need. @corelaboratewa #wateachlead #waedu

Coming Up for Air

How can we offer our students and community the emotional support they need during this time?  Here are a few ideas to help each other "come up for air."

Image by Carol Browne

Here @larkscience plays the relationship coach for educators and their careers while acknowledging how hard the maintenance can be #wateachlead #waedu 

Recipe for Renewal

Have your resolutions for instruction lost their flavor?  Try this new recipe for renewal.

Hand drawn image of a bunnie in purple ink.

@Smore2ndGrade shares how a colleague within her district uses a Purple Bunnies model to connect students with social-emotional learning.